
The DAO VSWatch aims to give decision-making power to the members who participated to the pre-sale of the 500 first WatchBoxes. The xWatchers NFTs as been airdropped as a pass for the DAO (you can also get one on the secondary market, collection: XWATCHERS-002d70)

This decision-making power given to our most loyal members will allow us to vote on the organization and evolution of the project, partnerships, giveaways, the use of the token and its governance, the designs of future collections...

In addition, and given the current bear market, DAO members will have the voting power on the various scenarios for the project.

Proposals, suggestions and ideas from our DAO members will also be put to a vote. If they are well constructed, logically reasoned and add value to the project or community, depending on the feasibility, the proposed ideas will be implemented.

Last updated